Your Trusted Plumber in Edmonton on How To Prepare Your Home For Fall: 6 Essential Plumbing Checks

Alright, Edmonton, winter is coming.

Whether you’re bracing for it, preparing for it, or just dreaming of that escape to Hawaii, there’s one thing you absolutely cannot ignore—your plumbing. Before the snow hits and the temperatures drop, let’s make sure your home is ready to face the season head-on. Here’s how to get it done, straight from your go-to plumber in Edmonton.

Check for Leaks Before They Wreck Your Day

Leaks are like the silent killers of your plumbing system—tiny, annoying, and ready to wreak havoc when you least expect it. Take a stroll through your home and check under sinks, around toilets, and in your basement for any signs of moisture. Find a leak? Don’t wait. Call your plumber in Edmonton to fix it before it turns into a winter nightmare. Want to sleep easy? Upgrade to a leak detection system that’ll alert you the minute something’s off. Trust us, it’s cheaper than dealing with a flooded basement.

Don’t Let Your Water Heater Fail You

Picture this: it’s minus 40, and your water heater gives out. Not pretty, right? Before it has a chance to ruin your day, get it serviced. Sediment buildup can turn your water heater into an energy-guzzling mess, leaving you with a cold shower when you need it most. Get it flushed out and inspected by a professional plumber in Edmonton. If your water heater is old enough to vote, it’s time for an upgrade. We’ve got energy-efficient models that’ll keep you warm without burning a hole in your pocket.

a woman takes a nice warm bath thanks to her plumber in edmonton

Test Your Sump Pump—Or Pay the Price

Fall in Edmonton means rain, and lots of it. Your sump pump is your first line of defence against a flooded basement. Don’t just hope it’s working; test it! Pour a bucket of water into the sump pit. If it doesn’t kick in, you’ve got a problem, and you know who to call—your trusty plumber in Edmonton. Consider a battery backup system for your sump pump. Power outages are a real threat in winter, and this could save you from a watery disaster.

Disconnect Those Hoses Like Your Life Depends on It

Leaving your hoses attached is a rookie mistake that could cost you big time. Water backs up, freezes, and boom—burst pipes. Take a few minutes to disconnect and drain those hoses. Then, shut off the water supply to your outdoor faucets and drain any leftover water. Make life easier by installing frost-proof hose bibs. They’re a one-time fix for a recurring problem—worth every penny.

a woman plays with her dog using a hose

Don’t Let Slow Drains Ruin Your Day

Falling leaves are beautiful until they clog up your drains. Slow drainage is your plumbing’s way of crying for help. Before it turns into a full-blown blockage, get those drains checked out. A plumber in Edmonton can clear them up fast, saving you from future headaches. It’s the kind of preventive maintenance that keeps your plumbing running smoothly all year round.

Insulate or Face the Freeze

Exposed pipes in unheated areas are like ticking time bombs waiting to freeze and burst. Insulate them now, and you’ll thank yourself later. Foam pipe insulation works, but if you want to go all out, a professional plumber in Edmonton can offer even better solutions. Our pro-grade insulation options provide top-notch protection. Ask us about insulating your entire plumbing system for ultimate peace of mind.

The Gist

Winter is coming, Edmonton. You can either be ready for it, or you can roll the dice and hope for the best. But let’s be real—you don’t want to gamble with your plumbing. Follow these six essential checks, and you’ll keep your home warm, dry, and disaster-free all season long. Need help? Your trusted plumber in Edmonton is just a call away. Reach out, get it done now, and then you can relax—or book that trip to Hawaii.

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