The Latest Guide to Clogged Drains Including 4 DIY solutions💧

As the trusted plumbing experts in Edmonton, we understand that dealing with a clogged drain can be a real headache. Whether it’s a slow-draining bathtub or a kitchen sink that’s threatening to overflow, these issues disrupt our daily lives and demand swift attention.

Fear not! In this blog post, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of drain cleaning, offer some practical DIY solutions, and explain why reaching out to our professional team for a clogged drain is the smartest move you can make.

The Task at Hand: The Clogged Drain

Let’s start by demystifying the task. When you encounter a clogged drain or sink, you’re essentially dealing with a traffic jam in your plumbing system. Hair, soap scum, food particles, and other debris accumulate over time, narrowing the passage and causing water to back up. Ignoring the issue can lead to unpleasant odours, potential water damage, and even more stubborn blockages.

DIY Solutions

Before you pick up the phone to call us, many consider these DIY solutions. Let’s outline some of the pros and cons for each solution. Note: use these at your own risk.

  1. The Trusty Plunger: Yes, it’s not just for toilets! A plunger can work wonders on clogged drain sinks and tubs. Create a tight seal around the drain, give it a few vigorous plunges, and watch the water flow freely again. Use a separate plunger for your sink and your toilet.
    Pro: This is the best option, and is often something we will attempt first with a clogged sink.
    Cons: Having to do this frequently is a sign of a larger issue that may go unnoticed.
  2. Baking Soda and Vinegar: This classic combo isn’t just for science experiments. Pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain and let the fizzy magic happen. After 15 minutes, flush with hot water.
    Pro: This often will help with grease buildup, but won’t often assist with physical debris.
    Cons: Using too much baking soda can further add to the clog.
  3. The Bent Wire Hanger: Straighten out a wire hanger, create a small hook at one end, and fish out the gunk from the drain. It’s like a rescue mission for your plumbing!
    Pro: If there is something right below the drain, this can be a good option.
    Cons: This may damage your system.
  4. Boiling Water: Sometimes, all it takes is a kettle of boiling water. Pour it down the clogged drain in stages, allowing it to work its way through the clog.
    Pro: This often will help with grease buildup, but won’t often assist with physical debris.
    Cons: This may damage PVC Pipes.

Why Call the Pros?

While these DIY methods can be effective, they’re often temporary fixes. Here’s why you should consider reaching out to our team:

  1. Expert Assessment: We’ll diagnose the root cause of the clog. Is it a simple hairball or a more complex issue deep within the pipes? Our trained eyes will spot it.
  2. Professional Tools: Forget coat hangers and makeshift plungers. Our arsenal includes high-powered drain snakes and specialized cleaning solutions.
  3. Thorough Cleaning: We’ll clear the entire pipeline, ensuring no residue is left behind. Say goodbye to recurring clogs!
image shows a sink being filled up with a potential clogged drain

The Process of Drain Cleaning

When you contact us, here’s what happens:

  • 🧐 Inspection: Our technician arrives promptly and assesses the situation. We’ll discuss the symptoms you’ve noticed and any previous attempts at DIY fixes.
  • 🧰 Equipment Setup: Depending on the severity, we’ll choose the right tools. For minor clogs, it might be a small drain snake; for tougher cases, our heavy duty equipment comes into play. Occasionally, we may need to call the City of Edmonton to come inspect their sewer.
  • 🎬 Action Time: We get to work, dislodging the blockage and restoring proper flow. It’s like giving your pipes a spa day!
  • 🧑🏻‍🔧 Post-Cleaning Check: We ensure everything is running smoothly. No more gurgling sounds or slow drains.

Make It Flow!🚰

A clogged drain and sinks don’t stand a chance against our expertise. Next time you’re ankle-deep in soapy water, remember: we’re just a call away. Let’s unclog those pipes and keep your home flowing smoothly. Your plumbing will thank you, and so will your sanity!

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